Today with Miss Sue and Mrs. Palmer the children sorted animals into groups. One group was farm animals and the other was animals that live in the zoo. I used this activity to check the children's understanding of our last two themes.
With Mrs. Severson the children played a rhyming game. A picture of a house full of objects was placed in front of the children. A set of mouse cards was also spread out in front of them. On their turn the child picked a mouse card and identified the object on it. They then found something in the house that rhymed with it.
At my center the children made a book titled My Farm Counting Book. On each page their was a set of farm animals the children counted them and wrote their total in the sentence on the bottom of the page. Some children practiced writing the high frequency words I and see in their books.
At closing circle we made butter for our white day snack. Here is the recipe if you would like to try it.
Supplies: heavy whipping cream
a jar with a lid
a marble
- All you do is put some heavy cream into a jar and drop in a marble to help with mixing .
- Screw the lid on tight and begin to shake it.
- The cream has little globs of fat and protein. When you shake the jar, you get the fat and the protein that are moving around in the cream to stick together.
- Keep shaking the cream back and forth until it thickens. In about 10 minutes, it will turn to butter.
- When you shake the jar, the little fat and protein globs in the cream hit each other and stick together, forming a larger and larger glob.
- The glob is butter! The liquid that's leftover is buttermilk.