Friday, December 7, 2012

Fun Friday

Today our read aloud was titled Dream Snow.  As I read a story to the children I stop every couple of pages to ask the children what they think is going to happen next.  For this book I had to stop after almost all of the pages, because in the story there is a snowstorm.  The snow blankets all of the farmer's animals.  We had to predict which animal was under the blanket of snow.  As you read bedtime books to your children take time to stop and ask them what they think will happen next.

During centers today the children cut out the letter I.  Their I looked like an igloo.  They painted their I with glue and then sprinkled it with white glitter to make ice on their igloo.

At Mrs. Severson's center the children experimented with ice.  They were each given a direction sheet.  They rolled a die and followed the corresponding direction.  Sometimes they had to shake salt on their ice, while other times they had to hold it in their glove.  The purpose of this activity was to observe the reaction to warmth on ice.
We couldn't talk about ice and winter without mentioning cocoa.  Today during snack the children taste tested hot cocoa with marshmallows.  The reason we do taste tests in 4K is so that we can graph the results.  Being able to analyse information and make comparisons is a life skill.

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