Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Almost Kindergartners

With three more days left of 4K the children are almost kindergartners.  Today at Miss Sue's center the children were asked to draw a picture of themselves for the last time.  I compare this picture to the one they did on the first day of school.  The transformation from September to May is always surprising!

At my center the children wrote a letter to their future kindergarten teacher.  No matter where each child goes to kindergarten they will always hold a special place in my heart and in the heart of Meeme School.  Here is the outline of the letter:

Dear Mrs.
My name is

and I am excited to be in your class next year!

My favorite thing to do in 4K was

 In Kindergarten, I want to

 I am really good at
 Here is a picture I drew for you:
See you in September!


The common theme in each letter written this year and in years past is the idea that the children's favorite part of 4K, what they want to do in kindergarten, or what they are good at is playing.  As we enter the season of summer please reflect on the following from the Illinois Early Learning Project:

"Play" can be any spontaneous activity that is fun.

Spontaneous play occurs when children do an activity freely. If children organize a ball game, dramatic play, or a game of hide-and-seek, they are meeting their needs for spontaneous play. Spontaneous play is different from enrolling children in little league or signing them up for dance lessons. Children benefit most from a balance of activities adults plan and lead and activities that children plan and lead on their own.

Play can be an effective and enjoyable way for children to develop skills:

  • Language skills when they play name games, sing songs, and recite jump rope rhymes.
  • Thinking skills when they construct a block tower, follow directions to a game, and figure out pieces to a puzzle.
  • Small-muscle skills when they string beads, make clay figures, and cut with scissors.
  • Large-muscle skills when they play ball, roller skate, and run relay races.
  • Creative skills when they make up stories, put on a puppet show, and play with dress-ups.
  • Social skills when they team up to play ball games, discuss rules for a card game, and decide who will play what part in dramatic play

It is important to remove barriers to children's opportunities to play, such as:

  • Too many structured activities. When their lives are overscheduled with activities, sports, and lessons, children do not have time to themselves and for unstructured play.
  • Too much television. When children watch too much television, their play too often mimics what they see on TV (or on the video or computer screen). TV watching also robs children of valuable time to play.

If a child says, "I'm bored," she may need more unstructured time for play.

Parents often hear children complain about boredom when activities are not scheduled for them. Children need "down time" and time to be alone. These are the occasions when children's imagination and creativity take hold. These are the times when children experience the full benefits of play.


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