Friday, September 21, 2012

Blue Day

The children truly enjoyed "Blue Day" today.  The liked sharing the objects that they brought in from home, as well as their blue clothing.  During snack today we even tried blueberries.  Some children loved them while others decided to just that a no thank you bite/nibble.

To review shapes today we played Math Motion.  Each child received a shape on a stick.  They identified which shape it was.  Then we sang the following song;
Triangle, triangle, triangle is the shape I see.
If you have a triangle, please show it to me.
Stand up and turn around.
Show your triangle and then sit down.

One of the centers today had the children practicing letter identification.  The children were given a train recording sheet.  In each boxcar a number was written.  The children took turns rolling a die and dotting the corresponding number on their sheets.  

For the first time this year we also journaled.  Journaling in 4K is a lot different from the older grades.  Right now the children are asked to draw a picture.  They then dictate to me what their picture is of.  In some cases I write the sentence that they say, while others had me label objects in their pictures.  As the year goes on the children will start to write the letters for the sounds that they hear in their words.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool stuff that the children are doing in class. I especially like the journaling concept...a nice way to get them started on this. Thanks, again, for the detailed blog and corresponding pictures!
