Each day we use our smart board to write a daily message. To start I draw a picture of one thing that we are going to do during the morning. The children guess what they think we are going to do. I then confirm their response and write a message to go along with it. Usually our message starts with, "We are going to ________________." We talk about how the message ends with a dot that we call a period. We also discuss how some words are short and some are long. The area between words is called a space. We even clap the syllables in some of the words that I write. After I write the message I pick sticks for children to come up and circle focus letters. Today I showed the children how to make a letter "e" and the children then came up and circled them.
This picture shows how one student tried writing their own message during play time. It just goes to show the importance of modeling behaviors that you want your child to to.
Today we also used the smart board to sort forms of transportation by those that travel on land, in water, and in the air.
What a cool idea and a great way to get the kids to think about more than just writing their names!