Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today our ocean animal of choice was the jellyfish.  We learned that a jellyfish is an invertebrate.  Jellyfish have dangerous stingers.  Some fish swim alongside jellyfish as a way to protect themselves form predators.  Our read alouds were titled Jellyfish and Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea.  Our flannel board story was called "Five Little Jelly Fish."
Five Little Jellyfish
 5 little jellyfish swimming by the shore, the yellow one got lost and that left 4.
4 little jellyfish swimming in the sea, the blue one swam far, far away and that left 3.
3 little jellyfish in the ocean so blue, the red one took a seahorse ride and that left 2.
2 little jellyfish swimming in the sun, the orange one took a dive and that left 1.
1 little green jellyfish swimming all alone, it was time for him to go home and that left none

During centers today the children made a jellyfish.  We have also been discussing that the ocean is made up of salt water.  The children used a mixture of 2 teaspoons starch, 1 teaspoon salt, and a few drops of food coloring(at school we have washable food coloring) to paint an ocean animal picture.  Part of 4K is having time to be creative.  This activity fostered that.  At the third center the children visited the following websites at the computer center http://www.fun4thebrain.com/preschool/bigseacount.html and http://www.abcya.com/kindergarten_computers.htm

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