Monday, February 4, 2013


Today we began our new theme "The Ocean."  Our read alouds included I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean, Octopuses, and Deep Sea Dive .  For our daily message today we charted all of the facts that we already know about the ocean.  The children had a lot of background information already in place.  They knew that jellyfish, sting-rays, octopuses, whales, and sharks all live in the ocean.  We then charted all of the things that we want to learn about the ocean.  As the days go along we will chart what we have learned about the ocean.  In the higher grades this type of chart is called a KWL chart.

Today we did not have center time, instead we all worked on the same project.  The children followed multiple step direction to make an octopus.  They first chose the color octopus they wanted.  Octopuses change color as a way to protect themselves from predators.  The children could make a yellow, peach, blue, green, or light purple octopus.  They drew a face on their octopus then added suckers to its tentacles.  To make the suckers the children patterned Fruit Loop cereal.

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