Friday, March 8, 2013


Today our read aloud was titled Splash!  Splash goes the cat! Splash goes the dog! Who's jumping in the pond? Falling in and crawling out?  This story was the perfect springboard for teaching adding and subtracting.  Throughout the story we were able to count forwards and backwards to determine how many animals were in the pond at a given time.
Each day we do a little adding when we get our milk for milk break.  I will tell the children we need 8 chocolate and 2 white.  We will then start at eight and count on to find the total amount that we need.  If your child is interested in doing some simple addition at home you may want to check out the following link. Some of the easier math pages include:
Today during centers the children visited the two centers that they did not get to yesterday.  The pond animal that we talked about again today was the turtle.  You can surprise your child this weekend by making the following turtle breakfast.  Enjoy!!!

What You’ll Need:
1 toaster waffle
black sprinkle (a chocolate chip would work, too)

To Make Turtle Waffle:
Toast your waffle per directions on the box. Cut off a 1/4 of the waffle and place large portion on a plate as shown. Use slices of apple for the head, feet and tail. Use black sprinkle or chocolate chip for the eye. Peel a clementine and arrange slices as shown to create butterflies. Enjoy (slowly!)

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