Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wide Mouthed Frog

Today the children enjoyed two  read alouds The Icky Sticky Frog and The Wide-Mouthed Frog.  All animals have their favorite foods, and the wide-mouthed frog couldn't be more curious about what they are. This talkative frog with a huge mouth just can't stop asking the creatures he encounters what they like to eat -that is, until he stumbles upon a creature who just loves to eat wide-mouthed frogs!  With the use of some quick wit he is able to make an escape from his predator.

During centers today they children colored a wide-mouthed frog of their own.  They then glued it onto a headband.  We used the headband to act out the story The Wide-Mouthed Frog during closing circle time.  At Miss Sue's center the children were given a frog mask with a party blower attached as an Icky Sticky Tongue.  The children were also given a set of flies that were programed with the concepts they are working on mastering for their progress report.  The children spread out their flies and used their icky sticky tongue to catch them.  They then identified the concept on the fly for Miss Sue.  With Grandma Sue the children measured various log lengths with frog counters.  This activity helped them work on one-to-one correspondence as well and measure with nonstandard units of measure.

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