Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Apple Tasting

Today during snack the children taste tested apples.  They tried red ones, yellow ones, and green ones.  They used the following adjectives to describe the apples; crunchy, juicy, sweet, sour, crisp, and even yummy.  Once the taste test was finished the children graphed which color apple they thought tasted the best.  As you can see from our graph it was a tie between red and green apples.

During centers today the children made an apple tree with Miss Sue.  They cut out a trunk and leaves, glued them onto a piece of paper, and then made apples with paint and the eraser end of a pencil.  During a independent center the children used a balance and math manipulates to experiment with how heavy an apple is.

To end the day we played the "Rotten Apple" game.  The children sat in a circle and picked an apple from the bushel basket.  They then identified the color, shape, number, or letter that was on the apple.  If the children picked an apple with a worm on it everyone placed their cards back in the basket.

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