Friday, October 12, 2012

F is for fire, feather, fire truck, fruit, flowers, football, fork, friends and even fish

Happy Friday!  To culminate each week the children take part in a variety of activities to go along with our focus letters.  On Thursdays I show the children items from my letter jar that begin with the same sound as our focus letter.  On Friday the children may bring in items from home that start with the focus letter.  To make this an even more in depth experience you can challenge your child to find three or seven items that start with our focus letter.  Each week the children will also make a letter page to go in an ABC book that we will be making during the entire school year.  This week the children cut out the letter F and placed it in a box.  The teacher then put red, orange, and yellow marbles that had been dipped in paint in the box.  The children tipped the box back and forth to make it look like their was fire on their letter F. 

 This weekend take some time to use environmental print to help your child become more familiar with letters.  Environmental Print is the print of everyday life: The symbols, signs, numbers, and colors found in McDonald's, Walmart, Exxon, Pizza Hut, and 7-Up.  They offer excellent entry points for young children to begin to learn to read, write, and do math.  Books, billboards, calendars, catalogs, comics, containers, coupons, flyers, greeting cards, grocery stores, journals, labels, magazines, menus, newspapers, office supply packaging, posters, recipes, road signs, snack bags, telephone books, and websites are items we see every day.  Take some time to point out these items to your child and discuss the letters that are on them.  It is much more appealing to remember M for McDonald's then M on a piece of paper.

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