Monday, October 15, 2012

Ten Apples Up On Top

Today our read aloud was Ten Apples Up On Top.  This silly story offered us many opportunities to find rhyming words, like drop and top, tall, and fall, town and down.  During center time the children at my center drew a picture of themselves.  We took our time and made sure we had two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears, hair, and even eyebrows.  We also talked about the color of our hair and eyes.  Next the children were each given a number.  They traced over their number and then counted out the corresponding number of apples.  Lastly, they glued their apples to the top of their faces.  I am going to assemble each child's page into a class book.  This book will be available to look at while you are waiting for your parent teacher conference.  At our second center the children used apples to make turn taking patters; red, yellow, red, yellow, ETC.

Today I filled the sensory table with the corncobs that our classmates graciously brought in.  I also had some Indian corn from home that I added.  The children love the feeling of taking the kernels off of the cobs.  We are also using a cob of Indian corn for a science experiment.  I placed the corn in a dish of water and asked the children to predict what will happen.  Some of the children said the corn will grow.  Another student predicted that the seeds would fall off.   While another student prediced that the corn will happen.  We will eagerly wait to see what happens in the next couple of days!!

The playground was very wet today after all of the rain we received over the weekend, so we decided to stay indoors.  I got out our balance beams, tunnels and bridges and the children had a fabulous time participating in large motor movement.

Here are some other pictures from our busy day.

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