Monday, April 29, 2013


This week we are starting on our new theme; insects.  Today we read the story There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly.  Today we did two centers, and the children visited each of them.  At one center the children were given a paper plate with a slot cut out for the mouth.  The children drew two eyes and a nose on their plate to make it look like a face.  They then cut up pieces of yarn and glued them on for hair.  At the second center the children were given the characters that were in the story.  They used colored pencils to color in the lines, as well as practiced using a variety of colors to color their animals. 

During closing center we used the puppet and characters to retell the story There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly.  When the children identified the animal that came first they put it in their puppet's mouth.  They continued this action until they had all of the characters in the mouth in the correct sequence.  Please don't forget that when you are done reading to your children close up the book and have them retell for you what happened in the story.  You may have to give a few prompts along the way.  I was very pleased that one of the children made a text-to-text connection when they remember that we have read other versions of books that had an old lady swallowing things. 

Today we were also able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!!

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