Thursday, April 11, 2013

Planting a Rainbow

Today the children listened to the story Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert.  During center time the children then painted a rainbow of their own.  They cut out a pot, glued it onto a piece of paper, and then used their creativity to paint a rainbow of flowers.  The best part of this project is that no two are alike.  One child even painted a hand on top of his stem because a hand print looks like a flower. 

 At Miss Sue's center the children visited the website here they played the patterning game How Does Your Garden Grow?  They also played a sorting game and a letter identification game.  At my center the children were given an outline of a flower.  They rolled a die and placed the corresponding number of petal stickers on the outline. 

At closing circle the children went on a letter hunt.  Our letter for the week is the letter "R, r."  I paired the children up with a friend, gave them a clipboard with a piece of paper, and two markers.  The children explored the classroom in search of R's.  When they found one wrote it down.  The children found R's at the beginning of words, in the middle of them, and at the end of them.  The focus of this activity was learning how to share and work with others, recognize that print carries a message, as well as identify the letter r. 

To end the day we went to the gym and played with the parachute. We made waves, popped popcorn, and created a igloo that we could sit in.  This was lots of fun!!!

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