Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weather Watchers

Raindrop, Plop!
On Monday and Tuesday the children listened to two great books Raindrop Plop and Cloudette.  In Raindrop Plop a little girl in a shiny red raincoat and green boots searches for the silver lining and catalogs the many things she encounters along the way. As she travels across the pages, the text counts up to 10 ("One little raindrop, / dark, dark sky. / Two little raindrops, / clouds go by") and back down again after she arrives home (""Ten little toes / in a nice warm tub. / Nine soapy bubbles, / scrub-a-dub-dub!"). This story also incorporated rhyming words into its text.

Over the last two days your child has visited four centers that related to weather.  At Miss Sue's center the children listened to the story It Looked Like Spilt Milk.  They were then given a blue piece of paper to fold in half.  Next they placed white paint in the fold and rubbed the two sides of the paper together.  They then opened up their paper and described what object their cloud looked like.  Some responses included cheeks, a tiger, and a butterfly.  With Mrs. Severson and Grandma Sue the children played the game It's Raining Cats and Dogs.  They were given a die that was programed with animals and a partner.  They rolled their die and dotted the animal on their recording sheet.  The children were very eager to see which animal would be the first one to have its row completed.

At my center the children journaled what they like to do when it is raining.  Some children like to jump in muddy puddles, while others like to play Chute's and Ladders.  The children are working hard to sound out words and write what they hear.  At the last center the children watched the YouTube video for the story Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.  After the story we discussed if what happened in the story was real or fantasy.  The children also shared what they would like to see rain from the sky.

This week we have also been making projects for the Sock Hop.  The children are definitely getting excited about the big event.   During playtime the children have also been busy building houses for their babies.

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