Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Name

Today we had a great day in 4K.  We read the stories I Like Myself!  and Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom.  After reading Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom I gave each child an alphabet refrigerator magnet.  Then I sang, "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom will there be enough room for ____ and ____ up the coconut tree?"  I filled in random letters from the alphabet.  If the child was holding the letter I said they came up and put it on the tree.  If you don't already have alphabet refrigerator magnets you may want to pick up a pack at the dollar store.  They provide a cheep way to help your child practice the letters.  Also, when your child gets into kindergarten and first grade they are useful for practicing spelling words in an interactive way.

During one of the independent centers they children used play doh letter stamps to stamp their friends names.  Children have a connection to their names, that is why we use them as the first rout to teaching children letters. Besides letter identification this activity also  provided an introduction to spelling words.  At the second independent center the children colored a tree and used alphabet stickers to make their first or last name on the tree.  We will be using these pages to make a class book.  This book will have repetitive language which makes it an easier read for 4 year olds.

At Miss Sue's center the children worked on spelling their first or last name.  The children looked at their name.  Traced their name. Wrote their name, and then stamped their name.

Please enjoy some of the pictures from our week!

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