Friday, November 2, 2012

S is for Sign Language

As each week passes the children are introduced to two more letters of the alphabet.  Some children came into the school year knowing many of the letters already.  To keep them on their toes we are learning the sign language sign that goes along with each letter. This activity also helps the children learning the letters by giving them a physical movement to connect with each letter.  Below is a diagram that you can refer to if your child suddenly signs to you.

Today we read the story Spiders.  This story was nonfiction.  I discussed with the children that nonfiction means that the story is real and tells us real facts about the animal.  I asked them to listen closely to the story because when I was done reading I wanted them to tell me something they learned about spiders.  At the end of the story they told me that most spiders have eight eyes, some spiders fish for their food, and spiders have eight legs. 

During one of our independent centers today the children went on a letter hunt around the classroom.  I had them do this with a partner.  In 4k we are working on building a community.  By having children work in pairs they learn to understand the needs and feelings of others, while appreciating each others similarities and differences.

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