Today our sensory experiences started during snack time. The children were each given a tongue cutout. The tongue was broken into different sections based on the areas that the tongue uses to taste different types of food. The children were given lemon slices to put in the sour sections. Pretzels to put in the section that tastes salty foods. Gummy bears for the sweet section, and dark chocolate for the bitter section. The children then tasted each food item and decided which one they thought tested the best. We then graphed our results. The voting turned out perfectl,y for do to the results we were able to have a discussion on when two numbers are the same it results in a tie.
Our story for today was titled Lucy's Picture. Vivacious Lucy's entering school skipping through the school room, announcing her Grandpa's coming to visit. Her teacher, Mrs. Kelley, tells her it's time to paint. However, the colored paints that the other children are using will not do for Lucy. Instead she tells Mrs. Kelley she wants to make a collage. Mrs. Kelley then seats Lucy at a table by herself and she has so much fun going through the box of scraps Mrs. Kelley presented on the table for Lucy when she told her teacher she needed to paste items on her picture.
In fact, it was even better when Lucy closed her eyes to feel the different textures. You see, Lucy's grandfather is blind. Lucy's making a collage out of fabric, paper, twigs, leaves, feathers, sand and even a piece of her own hair.
During recess she collected the twigs, sand, leaves, feathers in a cup and made trees and a path of glue with sand spread over it. She wrinkled fabric for flowers from a piece of paper and made a dog and used a piece of her hair for the fur representing her Grandpa's dog. She used the feathers for bird wings
When school ended there was Lucy's Mom and Grandpa with his seeing eye dog,Honey waiting outside for her. Lucy gives Grandpa her picture. Lucy explains some of the subjects in her picture "these are hills and here's the road" she says as she is guiding Grandpa's hand. Grandpa is delighted with the picture. Grandpa touched the picture carefully"a tree, a bird and what's this?" It feels like your hair Lucy." "That's Honey" says Lucy smiling. "How clever! and what a wonderful surprise!" "It's the best picture I've ever seen" said Grandpa.
During one of the centers today the children made a touch picture of their own. At Miss Sue's center the children cut out the letter N. They then used Kool Aid to paint their letters. N is for nose, so they used their nose to smell the flavor paint they were using. At my center the children used their sense of touch to make a book titled Touch and Go. We read the words on each page and used the descriptors to help us decide what object to glue on each picture. We touched things that were soft, rough, bumpy, and fuzzy.
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